Born and raised in London, England, Chris Brooks split time between London, Chicago, New York City and Vancouver, before finding his new home in Boston with his wife Amanda in 2022 and becoming a resident of West Roxbury shortly thereafter. Backed with over a decade of experience in the sales and finance industry, Chris brings a diverse skill set to arm him in his role as a real estate agent with the Denman Drapkin Group.

With a degree in Economics, Chris began his career as a financial analyst, teaching him the significance of researching and utilizing market conditions to make data-driven decisions, a skill that he often leverages now while advising clients in varying neighborhoods throughout Boston. After working a few years in the finance industry, Chris transitioned to a role in construction, working as a Contact Coordinator to oversee the development of an old power plant into luxury condominiums, allowing him to gain valuable insights into large commercial building projects and a keen understanding of developments and high-quality workmanship. Honing in on his commercial real estate expertise, Chris then transitioned to sales for the next five years, where he thrived in his role of running the UK arm of a New Zealand-based sustainability business through winning large-scale contracts while collaborating with several commercial real estate management companies.

Now, as a dedicated real estate agent, Chris is excited to bring his financial expertise, sales acumen, and passion for helping people to the world of real estate. His diverse experiences have honed his ability to connect with clients from different backgrounds to understand everyone's unique and specific needs when it comes to buying or selling a home. Having relocated to multiple cities, Chris wholeheartedly understands the importance of having a seamless home search and strives to mitigate any stressors for clients embarking on their new journeys. Driven by his personal experiences in the real estate market, Chris is drawn to the opportunity of educating buyers about the intricacies involved in purchasing a home, empowering them to make confident and sound decisions independent of emotional factors. 

Outside of work, Chris embraces an active lifestyle; he is an avid marathon runner and a regular member of the Notch Brewing Running Club in Brighton. During the summer, you'll find him on the golf course, and in the winter months, he enjoys hitting the slopes to ski. On a quest to find the best craft beer in Boston, you can also find Chris exploring the local breweries in the city.

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